Using Art and Entrepreneurship to Heal

Spooniepreneur Podcast Episode #13
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After a bike accident in 2013, Sara suffered a concussion. While she managed to finish her masters degree in paintings conservation, it took her months to feel ok again. What she didn’t know at the time was that this type of recovery wasn’t normal and meant that she wasn’t fully recovered from her concussion.

A year after her accident, Sara’s symptoms came back suddenly. She had migraines. She couldn’t look at a computer screen and she was hypersensitive to noise. Even though she tried to act normal, she struggled to finish her training as a paintings conservator. When she graduated in 2015, she continued to get worse. Eventually, she started treatment in a rehab center, where they taught her how to balance her energy and helped her with emotional struggles like acceptance. This helped a lot, but they never told her anything about the vestibular system, vision, inflammation , neck-problems etc.

Only when she started her IG account to spread some FOMO-proof stories, she discovered a world of knowledge about concussion and Post Concussion Syndrome or Persistent Concussion Symptoms or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

She is slowly recovering. Every few weeks or months she has more energy, but she still only has a few active hours in a day. It has been 4.5 years now since her graduation and she can’t wait to be able to work 20 hours/week again.

Here’s what we discussed: 

  • Setting a routine and being flexible 
  • Having a strong support system 
  • Connecting your self worth to your job 
  • Fear of success 

Connect with Sara Molinari


Connect with Nicole 


Instagram: @spooniepreneurpodcast


